Ozone Level Increases Amid Coronavirus Pandemic in Indian Cities: Study
June 27, 2020 13:41
(Image source from: lamag.com)
Starting March 25, ozone levels have crossed standards in Indian cities according to a study by Center for Science and Environment.
As per a new analysis of summer air quality trends by CSE, the tropospheric ozone pollution has soared and has even breached the standard levels across various cities of India.
The study revealed that since the start of lockdown from March 24, the air pollution has shown mixed results.
While PM 2.5 and NO2 curves took a drastic dip, ozone levels have surprisingly soared.
The analysis and the study are comprehensive of 22 metropolitan cities in India.
The researchers at CSE have stressed that ozone is primarily a problem during summers in India but in other seasons it is highly variable. Ozone is a highly reactive gas and would prove a danger to asthma patients or anyone suffering from respiratory problems.
Ozone is not a direct source but it forms with photochemical reactions. These reactions take place between oxides of Nitrogen and other volatile gases or compounds under the high influence of sunlight.
While this has been the result for ozone levels, the country has witnessed major fall in harmful microscopic particulate matter, also known as PM 2.5 which will be released by vehicles and industries.
PM 2.5 is a bane for human beings. It is considered dangerous as it has a diameter of less than 2.5 millimeters and can penetrate into lungs and other organs causing grave health risks.
Though coronavirus is doing major harm to lives of humans, Delhi and Mumbai, the most polluted cities of India have been witnessing low pollution rate and the people of these cities have been breathing the fresh air since lockdown. Moreover, people from Punjab and Bihar are now being able to see Himalayas at a distance due to lower pollution levels.
By Gayatri Yellayi