Search Results On us homeland security (Page 1 of 4)

us homeland security (Page 1 of 4)

  • Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List breaking, USA bans Bhutan, why is bhutan on usa s travel ban list, Us homeland security

    Why Is Bhutan On USA’s Travel Ban List? 2025-03-17 14:26:14

    The administration under Donald Trump has compiled a “red” list featuring 11 nations whose inhabitants will be restricted from entering the United States. This initiative is part of an extensive travel ban strategy affecting potentially up to 43 nations. Officials...

    Keywords: USA bans Bhutan, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List latest, Bhutan On USA Travel Ban List latest, Bhutan banned

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    Donald Trump Cabinet, Donald Trump Cabinet latest, donald trump fills cabinet with young blood, Us homeland security

    Donald Trump fills Cabinet with young blood 2024-11-14 13:52:33

    At 78, Donald Trump became the oldest US president to win the election, five months ahead of Joe Biden. But that hasn't stopped the hot Republican administration from injecting younger blood. Trump 2.0's appointees are significantly younger than the teams...

    Keywords: Donald Trump Cabinet complete list, Donald Trump Cabinet news, Donald Trump Cabinet breaking, Donald Trump

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    Joe Biden, Joe Biden, joe biden offers legal status to 500 000 immigrants, Us homeland security

    Joe Biden offers legal status to 500,000 immigrants 2024-06-19 09:23:49

    President Biden has proposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens and have lived in the country for at least a decade. The White House estimates this plan could benefit over 500,000 people. Additionally,...

    Keywords: Joe Biden for immigrants, Joe Biden for immigrants, USA, USA

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    illegal Immigrants in USA New Jersey, illegal Immigrants in USA hunt, us officials hunting for illegal immigrants in new york and new jersey, Us homeland security

    US Officials Hunting For Illegal Immigrants in New York and New Jersey 2025-01-27 10:22:18

    Amid President Donald Trump's migration crackdown, U.S. law enforcement officials are reportedly monitoring Gurdwara in New York and New Jersey to search for illegal immigrants. The move comes after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as part of the Trump...

    Keywords: illegal Immigrants in USA latest breaking, illegal Immigrants in USA hunt, illegal Immigrants in USA New Jersey, illegal Immigrants in USA hunt

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    Donald Trump Executive Order, USA Birthright Citizenship Order, 22 us states sue trump over birthright citizenship order, Us homeland security

    22 US States Sue Trump Over Birthright Citizenship Order 2025-01-22 14:58:39

    A coalition of Democratic-leaning states and civil rights groups is suing President Donald Trump over his plan to strip the United States of its birthright. Within hours of Trump's inauguration, several separate lawsuits were filed and he quickly announced a...

    Keywords: Birthright Citizenship Order news, Birthright Citizenship Order latest, Birthright Citizenship Order news, Birthright Citizenship Order updates

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    USA Military Flights news, USA Military Flights deportation decision, us suspends military flights for deportation, Us homeland security

    US Suspends Military Flights for Deportation 2025-03-06 09:43:46

    In light of President Donald Trump's initiative to tighten control over illegal immigration, reports indicate that his administration in the United States has ceased the use of military aircraft for the deportation of migrants who entered the country unlawfully, citing...

    Keywords: USA Military Flights deportation decision, USA Military Flights deportation decision, USA Military Flights breaking, USA Military Flights news

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