Search Results On riverside (Page 1 of 3)

riverside (Page 1 of 3)

  • Indian origin researchers, artificial intelligence, indian origin researchers develop ai system to curb deep fake videos, Riverside

    Indian Origin Researchers Develop AI System to Curb ‘deep fake’ Videos 2019-07-22 10:53:33

    A group of Indian origin researchers has developed Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven neutral network that can ascertain manipulated images at the pixel level with high precision. This comes at a time when “deep fake” videos turning a new threat to users’...

    Keywords: Indian origin researchers, Indian origin scientists, Indian origin scientists, researchers

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    alaska, Schilmiller, alaska teen kills best friend shares child porn for 9 mn after catfished by man online, Riverside

    Alaska Teen Kills Best Friend, Shares Child Porn for $9 Mn After Catfished by Man Online 2019-06-19 13:09:02

    An 18-year-old teenager from Alaska has been charged with conspiring to murder her "best friend" after a man she met online offered her USD 9 million to commit the crime. According to investigators, Denali Brehmerwas recruited to kill her friend...

    Keywords: alaska, alaska, alaska crime, alaska

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    alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, most widely used soybean oil may cause adverse effect in neurological health, Riverside

    Most widely Used Soybean Oil may Cause Adverse Effect in Neurological Health 2020-01-18 12:05:45

    The soybean oil is widely used and is said to be the most consumed edible oil as it is likely a common element in the diet. This oil is popularly being used in processed and premade foods by the restaurants,...

    Keywords: depression, alzheimer’s disease, depression, alzheimer’s disease

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    Interesting Food Facts, Interesting Food Facts, 10 food facts that will leave you stunned, Riverside

    10 Food Facts That Will Leave You Stunned! 2020-07-06 12:20:56

    The food that we binge eat or hate come along with interesting facts that we would have never even thought about in our imagination unless you dream and are obsessed with food. Whether you relished the dishes or haven’t eaten...

    Keywords: Food, Healthy Living, Healthy Living, Food

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    United States, gandhi statues in US, u s has largest number of memorials of mahatma gandhi, Riverside

    U.S. Has Largest Number of Memorials of Mahatma Gandhi 2019-09-27 05:10:31

    Ahead of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the United States, a country he never visited, found to have the largest memorials, statues, and sculptures of Father of the Nation.According to the list compiled by PTI, there are more than...

    Keywords: gandhi associations in US, Gandhi statues in US, gandhi statues in US, United States

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    tulsi gabbrd, 2020 presidential campaigns, indian american community turns a rising political force giving 3 mn to 2020 presidential campaigns, Riverside

    Indian American Community Turns a Rising Political Force Giving $3 Mn to 2020 Presidential Campaigns 2019-07-23 11:10:53

    Even though Indians make up merely 1 percent of the United States population, it has a growing political force. Indian Americans turned out to be the largest contributors to 2020 presidential campaigns with giving more than $3 million. Indian Americans...

    Keywords: Indian americans, tulsi gabbrd, tulsi gabbrd, tulsi gabbard presidential campaign

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