Search Results On enforcement actions

enforcement actions

  • president donald trump, raids in US targeting migrant families, united states launches raids targeting migrant families, Enforcement actions

    United States Launches Raids Targeting Migrant Families 2019-07-15 07:01:32

    The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Sunday launched raids targeting undocumented migrants across the country, according to the U.S. officials.President Donald Trump described Sunday's planned action targeting families as a "major operation" covering a handful of major cities, including New York, Los...

    Keywords: ICE raids, ICE raids, ICE raids, president donald trump

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    listed companies, payment of fine, consent order norms sebi to bring changes soon, Enforcement actions

    Consent order norms: Sebi to bring changes soon 2012-03-09 13:06:27

    Sebi has decided to consider a revamp of its consent settlement procedure as under the current framework there is no consistency and any clear-cut uniformity in the way such cases are handled. Capital market regulator Sebi today said it will...

    Keywords: listed companies, merger and acquisition (M&A), enforcement actions, clear-cut uniformity

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