Search Results On beauty tips (Page 1 of 4)

beauty tips (Page 1 of 4)

  • mix, models, beauty tips that will make you to look like a beauty model, Beauty tips

    Beauty Tips that will make you to look like a beauty model 2014-11-17 09:22:39

    Steps which are followed by the models and celebrity are gained through spending some hight amont on beauty, you can also have the same look without spending much by simple methods which are as follows: Bright eyes: Superstars despite of their...

    Keywords: mix, lips, nude, sweep

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    lumps in the underarm, Health tips, tips to get rid of underarm bumps, Beauty tips

    Tips to get rid of underarm bumps 2023-08-22 17:35:44

    Having healthy and smoother underarms is always something that everyone wishes for. The bumps in the underarm are always a problem. Some bumps are due to the sweat glands and hair follicles and often can be pimples or bumps. Few...

    Keywords: lumps in the underarm, Health tips, lumps in the underarm, skin irritation

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    reduce dark circles, dark circles treatment, get rid of dark circles, Beauty tips

    Get rid of dark circles 2014-10-17 08:06:20

    Ever wondered why some women fail to look attractive even though they have the right features. Its due to dark circles. The eyes and lips are the focus of your beauty. If either of them looks dull your overall appearance...

    Keywords: reduce dark circles, remove dark circles, reduce dark circles, beauty care

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    applying eye liner, applying eye liner, leads to healthy beauty, Beauty tips

    Leads to Healthy Beauty 2014-10-21 08:14:12

    After improper sleep at last night you are restless still want to look well rested. Use a tinted moisturizer instead, followed by a beige eye pencil, it reduces any redness around your eyes. Want to get rid of the large...

    Keywords: glossy look of lips, applying eye liner, applying eye liner, large pores on face

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    women in 30, Skincare tips, beauty tips for women in 30, Beauty tips

    Beauty tips for women in 30 2015-11-30 08:06:46

    Have you entered into your thirties? Believe me, it is one of the best phases of your life. It is more fun with maturity. But yes, it is real time that you concentrate on your skin and take necessary care,...

    Keywords: women in 30, women in 30, Skincare tips, beauty tips

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    skin care for oily skin, homemade beauty tips for oily skin in tamil, 5 must know beauty tips for oily skin, Beauty tips

    5 Must-Know Beauty Tips for Oily Skin 2019-06-22 11:51:51

    Do you have oily skin and is it getting tough to get rid of that? In the first place, having oily skin is not a bad thing! A lot of people have oily skin. It merely means that your oil...

    Keywords: natural beauty tips for oily face in tamil, Oily Skin, glowing skin tips for oily skin in summer, home remedies for oily skin

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