Search Results On andrew cuomo (Page 1 of 2)

andrew cuomo (Page 1 of 2)

  • new york, cdc, quarantine will not be necessary president trump about new york lockdown, Andrew cuomo

    ‘Quarantine will not be necessary’: President Trump about New York lockdown 2020-03-30 06:12:49

    While United States is at the top with their increased number of confirmed cases; peaking at over 142,000 confirmed cases as of now, things in New York specifically have taken a turn for the worse. With the worsening condition, while...

    Keywords: cdc, lockdown, quarantine, new york

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    donald trump, coronavirus, worst is over says new york governor andrew cuomo, Andrew cuomo

    “Worst is over,” says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo 2020-04-14 07:31:59

    While the world has been wondering about the fate of the United States and the kind of impacts it has been witnessing, the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo believes that the worst in the country has already tide over. A...

    Keywords: andrew cuomo, new york, andrew cuomo, coronavirus

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    novel coronavirus, pandemic, focus on the united states as the new epicentre of covid 19 outbreak, Andrew cuomo

    Focus on the United States as the new epicentre of Covid-19 outbreak 2020-04-04 05:23:34

    While the focus of the global pandemic of the novel coronavirus was on Italy and Europe till now with the rapid rise in the cases, things have shifted a bit and the focus has diverted to the United States now....

    Keywords: United states, novel coronavirus, United states, US

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    new jersey, deaths, coronavirus outbreak in new york and new jersey is levelling off, Andrew cuomo

    Coronavirus Outbreak In New York And New Jersey Is Levelling Off 2020-04-07 11:03:56

    With the constantly rising numbers of the confirmed cases in the United States, it is no doubt that New York and New Jersey experienced the worse end of it. But, the recent reports from the governors of New York, New...

    Keywords: coronavirus, coronavirus, hospitalisation, coronavirus

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    restrictions, covid-19, us could start reopening in may anthony fauci, Andrew cuomo

    US could start reopening in May: Anthony Fauci 2020-04-13 05:43:43

    But, on the other end, reports suggest that U.S might be ready to reopen things gradually from next month. The same statement was issued by Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to CNN in...

    Keywords: United States, covid-19, Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump

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    covid-19, covid-19, president trump plays misleading clippings from cuomo in press briefings, Andrew cuomo

    President Trump plays misleading clippings from Cuomo in press briefings 2020-04-20 08:17:02

    There have been rifts between Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo over the prevailing coronavirus crisis. While this won’t be the first time, Trump has been again accused of showcasing misleading and edited clippings in the White House briefing in which...

    Keywords: edited clips, andrew cuomo, coronavirus, donald trump

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