Search Results On ami bera (Page 1 of 3)

ami bera (Page 1 of 3)

  • india-pakistan tensions, ami bera china, take action against terror groups in pakistan indian american congressman, Ami bera

    Take Action Against Terror Groups In Pakistan: Indian-American Congressman 2019-03-09 04:52:28

    An important Indian-American Congressman Ami Bera, has warned that Pakistan will get isolated internationally if they does not take actions against terrorist outfits operating from Pakistan The Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Ami Bera...

    Keywords: ami bera congress, ami bera congress, ami bera india pakistan, ami bera article.

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    priya krishnamoorthi, raja krishnamoorthi actor, raja krishnamoorthi backs impeachment process against trump, Ami bera

    Raja Krishnamoorthi Backs Impeachment Process Against Trump 2019-08-28 05:44:21

    Indian American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi became the latest Democrat in the United States House of Representatives to support impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump. The Illinois Democrat in a statement said, “I serve on two House committees investigating the President’s conduct...

    Keywords: raja krishnamoorthi, raja krishnamoorthi obama, trump news, raja krishnamoorthi

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    NATO ally, what is nato, u s lawmakers introduce legislation to strengthen india u s strategic partnership, Ami bera

    U.S. Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Strengthen India-U.S Strategic Partnership 2019-04-12 05:15:20

    The important legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives by a bipartisan group of half a dozen influential American lawmakers which seeks to advance the United States-India strategic relationship. If enacted, the legislation would ensure that the U.S....

    Keywords: nato members 2018, US lawmakers, nato members 2018, what does nato do

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    American lawmakers, Bipartisan Bill, indian american congressman support bipartisan bill, Ami bera

    Indian American Congressman Support Bipartisan Bill 2022-06-20 09:26:37

    Ami Bera, the Indian American Democratic Congressman last week called for the passage of the America's Children Act which is called the Bipartisan Bill. This is to protect the documented dreamers who are dependent on non-immigrant visa holders when they...

    Keywords: Bipartisan Bill breaking updates, Bipartisan Bill news, Bipartisan Bill latest, Bipartisan Bill breaking news

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    Bipartisan Bill in USA Indian immigrants, Bipartisan Bill in USA to be passed, to end aging out of indian immigrations indian american congressman supports bipartisan bill, Ami bera

    To End Aging out of Indian Immigrations, Indian American Congressman Supports Bipartisan Bill 2022-06-14 09:30:34

    The Indian American Democratic Congressmen called for the passage of America's Children Act and bipartisan legislation. The move will protect the documented aspirants who are depending on long-term non-immigrant visa holders from aging out when they turn 21. Ami Bera,...

    Keywords: Bipartisan Bill in USA Indian immigrants, Bipartisan Bill in USA latest, Bipartisan Bill in USA new updates, Bipartisan Bill in USA

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    US, Mahatma Gandhi, bill to promote gandhi king s legacy introduced in the us house, Ami bera

    Bill to Promote Gandhi-King’s Legacy Introduced in the US House 2019-12-21 07:35:50

    Legacies of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr are to be promoted says a bill that was introduced in the US House of Representatives by Congressman John Lewis, America’s legendary civil rights leader and sought a budgetary allocation of...

    Keywords: US, US, Martin Luther King Jr, US

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