Search Results On american doctor (Page 1 of 2)

american doctor (Page 1 of 2)

  • White House, Hydroxychloroquine Vaccine, white house consuming hydroxychloroquine makes donald trump feel absolutely great, American doctor

    White House: Consuming Hydroxychloroquine Makes Donald Trump Feel"Absolutely Great" 2020-05-29 06:43:21

    According to a top house official, with a two-week dose ofantimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, US President, Donald Trump is feeling "absolutely great”. He will continue taking a two-week dose if he is doubtful about being exposed to the virus. What is...

    Keywords: White House, Trump, White House, Hydroxychloroquine Vaccine

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    Indian-American Doctor, Indian-American Doctor, indian american doctor of pennsylvania pleads guilty to health care fraud, American doctor

    Indian-American Doctor of Pennsylvania Pleads Guilty to Health Care Fraud 2018-07-20 05:12:50

    An Indian-American inhabitant of Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of unlawfully dispensing retrained substances, and health care sharp practice.The 68-year-old Dr. Madhu Aggarwal, pleaded guilty to the three counts in front United States District Judge Arthur...

    Keywords: Indian-American, Indian-American Doctor, Pennsylvania, Indian-American

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    COVID-19 Death, Governor Phil Murphy, coronavirus kills two indian american doctors treating patients in the us, American doctor

    Coronavirus Kills Two Indian American Doctors Treating Patients In The US 2020-05-11 12:28:44

    Constantly striving to take care of patients suffering with COVID-19 killed two Indian American doctors in New Jersey. Satyender Dev Khanna was 78 years old and he worked as a surgeon. Across New Jersey, in many hospitals, he was the...

    Keywords: Governor Phil Murphy, Indian American Doctors, COVID-19 Death, COVID-19 Death

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    Indian doctors in the U.S, Indian doctors in the U.S, indian american physician died in new york due to covid 19, American doctor

    Indian-American Physician Died In New York Due To COVID-19 2020-05-22 10:11:54

    An Indian-American physician Sudheer Chauhan was caught by coronavirus. He was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was fighting for his life for the last two weeks and then died on May 19th said APPI’s media coordinator Ajay Gosh.Chauhan served the  Internal...

    Keywords: Indian doctors in the U.S, Frontline workers, Indian doctors in the U.S, Indian-American doctors

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    native american medical school, Health Foundation for Rural India, indian american medics surprised by jharkand doctors practices, American doctor

    Indian-American Medics 'Surprised' by Jharkand Doctors' Practices 2018-12-26 10:40:26

    A group of 19 Indian-American students, pursuing pre-medical courses at different universities are on a 10-day education tour of Jharkhand and to other parts of the country to acquire the first-hand experience of medical practices in the state. The educational...

    Keywords: aaip membership, HFRI, association of American Indian physicians, Jharkand Doctors

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    pallavi patel, Indian American couple donation to Nova Southeastern University, indian american couple s 200mn plan to transform healthcare in india, American doctor

    Indian American Couple’s $200mn Plan to Transform Healthcare in India 2019-09-17 05:09:27

    An Indian American doctor couple, Kiran Patel and Pallavi Patel, has teamed up with the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) to advance healthcare in Florida and internationally to underserved communities in India and Africa  with an initial investment of $200 million....

    Keywords: pallavi patel, Indian American couple, Indian American couple, Kiran patel

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