Search Results On airtel zero

airtel zero

  • Save the internet, Net Neutrality means, netizens united for net neutrality in india, Airtel zero

    Netizens United for Net Neutrality in India! 2015-04-18 04:56:43

    The ongoing online war for net neutrality between the telecom operators and the telecom users or subscribers, has been supported by the Indian cinema fraternity and the media for ending the ‘VIP racism over internet’. The demand for #netneutrality aroused because...

    Keywords: What is Net Neutrality, Save the internet, Net Neutrality means, flipkart on Net neutrality

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    Celebrities saying Save the Internet, Net Neutrality by Bollywood stars, bollywood stars advocating for net neutrality, Airtel zero

    Bollywood Stars Advocating for Net Neutrality 2015-04-14 11:53:28

    Along with the internet lovers and common public the celebrities from the bollywood and politics are advocating for the net neutrality, which is meant for equal and unrestricted internet access to everyone. AIB has made a video to create awareness...

    Keywords: Celebrities saying Save the Internet, Celebrities saying Save the Internet, Celebrities saying Save the Internet, Celebrities saying Save the Internet

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    Flash Networks, Airtel, airtel snoops on its customers, Airtel zero

    Airtel snoops on its customers 2015-06-10 09:51:01

    Airtel, the major private telecom operator has been allegedly caught spying on users by injecting mysterious lines of codes into the web browsers used by the customers to visit websites through its 3G network. This came to light when activist...

    Keywords: 3G, 3G, Airtel, Airtel

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