Search Results On water melon (Page 1 of 2)

water melon (Page 1 of 2)

  • beat the summer heat, beat the summer heat, beat the summer heat, Water melon

    Beat the summer heat 2013-08-02 09:00:53

    Stay in cool state of mind and beat the summer heat with deep breaths.Here are some tips to control your lifestyle from summer heat.Dressing: Dressing is most important which allows your body breathe. Wearing dress that feels relaxed like loose...

    Keywords: good sleep, cool mind set, cool mind set, water melon

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    lifestyle in summer., summer clothing, beat the summer heat, Water melon

    Beat the summer heat 2013-05-09 09:04:38

    Stay in cool state of mind and beat the summer heat with deep breaths.Here are some tips to control your lifestyle from summer heat.Dressing: Dressing is most important which allows your body breathe. Wearing dress that feels relaxed like loose...

    Keywords: lifestyle in summer., summer heat, food for summer, cool mind set

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    drink recipe, fruit drink, yummy drink recipe for kids, Water melon

    Yummy drink recipe for kids 2016-03-21 12:29:20

    You may find it tough to keep your kid hydrated this summer. Believe me, your kid will love to finish this awesome drink made of summer special fruit, water melon. Try it and get amazed! Ingredients Seedless watermelon cubes: 4...

    Keywords: fruit drink, fruit drink, fruit drink, fruit drink

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    foods to burn fat, foods to burn fat, super foods to burn tummy fat, Water melon

    Super foods to burn tummy fat 2015-12-30 05:41:30

    Tired of getting down belly fat? Check out superfoods with potential to burn your stubborn belly fat and inflammation. Green tea is the mild beverage that helps to shrink waistline and decrease inflammation. Natural anti-inflammatory properties are abundant in the...

    Keywords: belly fat, tummy fat, belly fat, belly fat

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    cut fruits, storing fruits, ways to store chopped fruits, Water melon

    Ways to store chopped fruits 2016-01-13 10:42:48

    Fruits are essential part of the diet in any season. Few fruits like apples, bananas can be finished in one go. But problem comes in storing mightier fruits like water melon, papaya, after cutting, as we cannot finish them in...

    Keywords: storing fruits, cut fruits, cut fruits, storing fruits

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    Diabetes, fruits for diabetics, eat selected fruits incase of diabetes, Water melon

    Eat selected Fruits Incase Of Diabetes 2015-11-30 10:35:25

    A form of sugar present in fruits, ‘fructose’ has a negative impact on overweight and diabetics individuals. So, it is essential to eat selected fruits incase of diabetes. You can definitely enjoy seasonal fruits like grapes and mangoes incase you...

    Keywords: fruits for diabetics, Diabetes, Diabetes, fruits for diabetics

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