Search Results On stroke recovery

stroke recovery

  • Playing cards, Canadian researchers, play card games to help in stroke recovery, Stroke recovery

    Play card games to help in stroke recovery! 2016-06-28 06:47:48

    Till now, you may have played card games for fun and entertainments, but do you know playing simple card games like snap can help patients with their stroke recovery, a new research claimed. The Canadian researchers suggest that it improved...

    Keywords: research stroke recovery, Stroke recovery, research stroke recovery, research stroke recovery

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    mental activity, Alzheimer disease, brain use it or lose it, Stroke recovery

    Brain: Use it or lose it 2016-08-04 12:12:18

    A new research suggests that a lifetime of mental activity can be beneficial for you when it comes to fight with Alzheimer disease. The researchers at the Iowa State University identified a protein essential for building memories which appears to...

    Keywords: Alzheimer disease, mental activity, mental activity, mental activity

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    Prevent stroke, INTERSTROKE, ten ways to prevent strokes, Stroke recovery

    Ten ways to prevent strokes! 2016-07-18 11:33:17

    A recent study claimed that, about 90 percent of strokes can be prevented. The study ' INTERSTROKE' conducted by the Mc Master University, Canada analyzed 27,000 people across the world. Stroke, also known as cardiovascular accident is caused by interruptions...

    Keywords: Mc Master University, Prevent stroke, Prevent stroke, how to prevent stroke

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