Search Results On remittances (Page 1 of 4)

remittances (Page 1 of 4)

  • tax rules of NRIs, Plan Investments Efficiently, 5 tax rules nris should know to plan investments efficiently, Remittances

    5 Tax Rules NRIs Should Know to Plan Investments Efficiently 2019-06-22 07:41:52

    Indians make up for one of the largest numbers of migrants in affluent countries. A recent report from the World Bank also showed that India was the highest receiver of foreign remittances in the world. The report further shows that...

    Keywords: income tax for nri, nri income tax slab rates, Plan Investments Efficiently, income tax rules for nri returning to india

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    returning NRIs, Returning Expat Problems, nri suicide in kerala over red tape highlights returning expat problems, Remittances

    NRI Suicide in Kerala over Red Tape Highlights Returning Expat Problems 2019-07-16 10:39:05

    The recent suicide by a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) businessman in Kerala has highlighted the stumbling blocks faced by Indian expats returning home after working abroad for many years. From corruption to self-serving political parties and politicians, there are various matters...

    Keywords: red tape, returning NRIs, Returning Expat Problems, NRI Sajen Parayil

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    travel, overseas travel, indians spending on overseas travel education sees record surge rbi data, Remittances

    Indians Spending on Overseas Travel, Education Sees Record Surge: RBI Data 2019-07-16 11:53:15

    A data revealed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shows that Indians are spending more on overseas travel and education. The spends rose more than 60 percent year on year this May just ahead of the next academic season....

    Keywords: Indians Spending on Overseas Travel, Indians spending on overseas travel, traveling overseas, Indians spending on overseas travel

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    is it worth leaving india, Indians settling abroad, 5 reasons why indians set heart on settling abroad, Remittances

    5 Reasons Why Indians Set Heart on Settling Abroad 2019-07-08 11:39:18

    At least one person from an Indian household is setting up home abroad owing to multiple reasons. According to reports from the United Nations (2015), over 244 million people live in countries outside their countries of birth. In this context,...

    Keywords: indians in germany, is it worth leaving india, want to settle abroad from india, Indians abroad

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    Indian fintech startups, Dubai woos Indian startups, dubai startup woos indian fintech startups with 100 million fund, Remittances

    Dubai Startup Woos Indian Fintech Startups with $100 Million Fund 2019-07-05 06:45:13

    Dubai Startup Hub, an initiative of Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is all set to turn a global innovation hub for the next generation technologies, wooing entrepreneurs from India with $100 million start-up fintech fund. The hub is looking...

    Keywords: dubai, Indian fintech startups, dubai startups, Dubai woos Indian startups

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    nirmala sitharaman, NRIs, nris expect big reforms in india budget 2019, Remittances

    NRIs Expect Big Reforms in India Budget 2019 2019-07-04 06:10:36

    India’s finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman is set to announce Indian budget 2019 on July 5 and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) are expecting a host of reforms that would ease the rules for them to conduct business in India and increase their...

    Keywords: budget 2019, India budget 2019, benefits for NRIs in India budget 2019, NRIs

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