Search Results On night sleep (Page 1 of 2)

night sleep (Page 1 of 2)

  • smartwatch, Samsung Gear 2, samsung unveils three gear s2 smartwatch variants, Night sleep

    Samsung unveils three Gear S2 smartwatch variants 2016-03-28 12:44:07

    Samsung, South Korean electronic company, has introduced three new variants of the Gear S2 smartwatch, complete set of applications as well as dial faces for its customers in India. Customers can purchase the wearables at Samsung retail channels across the...

    Keywords: smartwatch, smartwatch, smartwatch, smartwatch

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    sleep, sleep benefits, proper sleep pattern is at most important, Night sleep

    Proper sleep pattern is at most important! 2016-05-23 05:56:57

    We usually hear that children grow while sleeping, while the fact is proper sleep pattern is very important for adults too! On time sleep gives good health and rejuvenates. Timely sleep boosts good mood, helps in gaining beautiful skin and...

    Keywords: sleep pattern, sleep, sleep, sleep pattern

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    journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, Michael K Scullin, sleeping in day time boosts memory, Night sleep

    Sleeping in day time boosts memory 2015-01-24 12:40:18

    Some love to sleep during the daytime and feels uncomfortable with night sleeping. A new study says sleeping daytime is good for improving memory for middle aged people. "As people grow older, they wake up more at night and have...

    Keywords: journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, sleep intervention, Michael K Scullin, sleep neuroscience and cognition

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    good sleep, good sleep, simple tips to get uninterrupted sleep in night, Night sleep

    Simple Tips To Get Uninterrupted Sleep In Night 2015-09-30 11:21:23

    Firstly, you have to know and accept that sleep is as important as food and air. Every adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause serious crash to your immune system and decrease your productivity. So...

    Keywords: good sleep, uninterrupted sleep, good sleep, night sleep

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    Pregnancy tips, Pregnancy tips, health tips and more to know for about pregnancy during covid 19 pandemic, Night sleep

    Health Tips And More To Know For About Pregnancy During COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-05-28 11:35:12

    Coronavirus is a vulnerable risk to human life all over the world. But we must learn to live with the virus until it goes far away from us. Being a pregnant woman, you must have been mindful all this while...

    Keywords: Pregnancy during COVID-19, Pregnancy during COVID-19, Pregnancy during COVID-19, Pregnancy tips

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    good sleep, Calcium, calcium helps in good night sleep says study, Night sleep

    Calcium helps in good night sleep, says study 2016-03-21 11:35:20

    According to a new study that unveiled a new theory on how sleep works, Calcium may help in good night’s sleep. It is known for long time that it has a good effect on our bones. The study revealed that...

    Keywords: good sleep, Calcium, Calcium, Calcium

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