Search Results On mc donalds (Page 1 of 2)

mc donalds (Page 1 of 2)

  • world, slogan, kfc drops its iconic finger lickin good slogan in the wake of covid 19, Mc donalds

    KFC drops its iconic 'Finger Lickin Good' slogan in the wake of COVID-19 2020-08-25 14:15:29

    Famous food chain KFC has dropped its most used slogan ‘finger lickin good’ which has been in use for six decades as it felt the use is not right in the current environment. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), the most famous...

    Keywords: company, KFC, slogan, world

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    Mc Donalds, mc donalds pricier, mcd to go pricier, Mc donalds

    McD to go pricier 2013-05-08 13:07:55

    Inflation hits all companies large and small, Mc Donald's appears to be one of the worst hit this time. It has already hiked the prices for this year and that is not even its last. It has planned another hike...

    Keywords: service tax, mc d price hike, Mc D, service tax

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    North America, Whidbey Island., washington s whidbey island, Mc donalds

    Washington's Whidbey Island 2013-10-01 05:51:07

    Salt air wafted across the narrow channel between the mainland and Whidbey Island in Washington state. Eight-five degrees, sunny and not a rain cloud in sight. This dispelled the, It always rains in Seattle myth at least for now.My husband...

    Keywords: Whidbey Island., North America, Whidbey Island., Whidbey Island WA

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    mcdonald's menu India with price 2018, mcaloo tikki price after tax, mcdonald s adds indian aloo tikki in american menu with vegan tag, Mc donalds

    McDonald's Adds Indian Aloo Tikki in American Menu with Vegan Tag 2018-12-26 10:34:44

    American fast food company McDonald has included India's most loved Aloo Tikki burger on their international menu. The eating house in Chicago is dishing out the humble potato cuttle burger by giving it a vegan tag abroad. This has distinctly...

    Keywords: Mcdonalds aloo tikki burger price, mcdonald's menu, mcaloo tikki meal contains, mcdonald veg burger price list

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    mcdonalds burger calories, TrulyIndianBurger, trulyindianburger know indian origin of mcdonald s burgers, Mc donalds

    #TrulyIndianBurger: Know Indian Origin of McDonald’s Burgers 2019-08-14 12:09:30

    The master franchise of McDonald's in West and South India, in an attempt bust the myth of people considering it as ‘western brand’ and create awareness about the sourcing story and Indian origin of McDonald’s, has brought the fascinating story...

    Keywords: #TrulyIndianBurger, mcdonalds delivery, mcdonald's menu prices, mcdonald's menu

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    vegan nuggets in KFC, kfc menu, kfc to add vegan chicken wings nuggets to its menu, Mc donalds

    KFC to Add Vegan Chicken Wings, Nuggets to Its Menu 2019-08-27 11:00:32

    American fast-food restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is joining hands with vegan food maker Beyond Meat to offer meatless nuggets for a trial period in its United States outlets. KFC, at the beginning of the year, had tested a vegan...

    Keywords: kfc vegetarian rice box, kfc menu, kfc online menu, kfc menu

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