Search Results On juvenile court

juvenile court

  • Nirbhaya's death, Nirbhaya, will delhi judge avenge nirbhaya today, Juvenile court

    Will Delhi judge avenge Nirbhaya today? 2013-09-13 05:50:04

    Nirbhaya may be dead, but the shock of what she has gone through is still fresh in everyones minds. The fate of four men, found guilty of gang-rape and murder, will be decided today by a Delhi fast track court....

    Keywords: Nirbhaya, decision on Delhi gang rape accused, Nirbhaya, Will Delhi judge avenge Nirbhaya today

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    Juvenile Justice Board, December 16 gangrape, will nirbhaya get justice today, Juvenile court

    Will Nirbhaya get justice today? 2013-09-10 04:43:42

    Roughly one-year after the gruesome Nirbhaya gangrape case appalled the entire nation, it's about time that her debauchers meet their fateful end, literally. The fast-track court headed by Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna will roll out judgment against four of...

    Keywords: Delhi gangrape, Delhi gang rape case, Will Nirbhaya get justice today, Mukesh Singh

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    Gang-Rape Case, Gang-Rape Case, finally justice for bangalore rape victim, Juvenile court

    Finally justice for Bangalore rape victim 2013-09-06 10:37:37

    Finally, here comes JUSTICE for the Bangalore law student, who was brutally gang-raped by eight men on Bangalore University's Jnanabharathi campus on October 13, last year. Handing out judgment on the case, the Bangalore Court sentenced the six accused to...

    Keywords: Finally justice for Bangalore rape victim, Bangalore Law Student Gang-Rape Case, NLSIU, NLSIU

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    delhi gang-rape, Supreme Court gives a thumbs up, supreme court gives a thumbs up, Juvenile court

    Supreme Court gives a thumbs up 2013-08-22 11:23:23

    Indian Supreme Court cleared the way on Thursday for a juvenile court to hand down its judgment on a teenager charged over the fatal gang-rape of a student preceding December.  As a matter of fact, the juvenile court has postponed...

    Keywords: indian supreme court, delhi gang-rape judgment, delhi gang-rape charge, delhi gang-rape charge

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