Search Results On guinness world record (Page 1 of 4)

guinness world record (Page 1 of 4)

  • Children, Guinness World Record, meet the six indian child prodigies of 2018, Guinness world record

    Meet the Six Indian Child Prodigies of 2018 2018-12-27 05:44:07

    Children are the future of any country and though many of the grown-ups dismiss what they say or do as "kiddish", there are some of them who have attained a lot at a tender age. You would be pleased to...

    Keywords: Indian child prodigies, akrit jaswal child prodigy india, Indian Child Prodigies of 2018, akrit jaswal child prodigy india

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    Guinness World Record, Rapunzel, the gujarat teen has set a world record with hair over 6 feet long, Guinness world record

    The Gujarat Teen has Set a World Record with Hair over 6-Feet Long 2020-01-21 12:30:33

    An Indian teen has retained her crown with the world’s longest hair among the teens and has got her name registered in Guinness World Records.Her hair currently measures 190 cm or 6 feet and 2.8 inches which had battered her...

    Keywords: Guinness World Record, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Rapunzel

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    PCT Humanity, Guinness world record, dubai based charity pct humanity run by indian expat enters guinness world records for holding longest iftar, Guinness world record

    Dubai-Based Charity ‘PCT Humanity’ Run by Indian Expat Enters Guinness World Records for Holding Longest Iftar 2019-05-22 04:31:59

    A charity owned by an Indian in the United Arab Emirates has set a new Guinness World Record for its hunger relief efforts during the holy month of Ramzan in Abu Dhabi. Joginder Singh Salaria, the founder of PCT Humanity,...

    Keywords: pct humanity, Indian expat, Indian expat, iftar

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    Bir Khalsa Group daring act in america’s got talent, sikh group on america’s got talent, watch this act by a sikh group on america s got talent will make your heart skip a beat, Guinness world record

    Watch: This Act by a Sikh Group on America’s Got Talent Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat 2019-06-06 05:25:16

    The Indians are moderately known for being audacious and this Sikh group has proved it over again on the international stage. The Bir Khalsa Group on America’s Got Talent’ left judges, audiences, and the viewers open-mouthed with their mind-blogging act....

    Keywords: america got talent judges, america’s got talent, sikh group on america’s got talent, america got talent 2019

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    Steven Haining photographer, Steven Haining new breaking, canadian photographer sets guinness world record, Guinness world record

    Canadian Photographer Sets Guinness World Record 2025-01-25 14:12:29

    Canadian photographers have set the new GWR world record for the deepest underwater model photography. This photo was taken at a depth of 50 meters (163.38 feet) on a water dog deck in Vocalaton, Florida, United States, United States. The...

    Keywords: Steven Haining photographer, Steven Haining, Steven Haining new breaking, Steven Haining Guinness Records

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    kane tanaka 116 oldest, kane tanaka oldest living, this japanese woman is the world s oldest living person, Guinness world record

    This Japanese Woman is the World’s Oldest Living Person 2019-03-09 09:39:08

    Kane Tanaka aged 116 from Japan has been officially confirmed as the world’s Oldest Living person. Guinness world Records officially recognized her on Saturday. The global authorities honoured Kane Tanaka in a cermony at the nursing home where shes lives...

    Keywords: oldest living person., kane tanaka 116 oldest, world’s oldest living woman, japanese woman

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