Search Results On dilma rousseff

dilma rousseff

  • which left Latin America's largest nation adrift, which left Latin America's largest nation adrift, brazil president dilma rousseff removed from office, Dilma rousseff

    Brazil President Dilma Rousseff removed from office! 2016-09-01 12:07:12

    Brazil’s first female president Dilma Rousseff was impeached for manipulating the budget, which left Latin America's largest nation adrift, with an economy in deep recession. The move puts an end to the 13 years in power of her left-wing Workers'...

    Keywords: which left Latin America's largest nation adrift, Brazil’s first female president Dilma Rousseff was impeached for manipulating the budget, Brazil’s first female president Dilma Rousseff was impeached for manipulating the budget, with an economy in deep recession. The move puts an end to the 13 years in power of her left-wing Workers' Party.

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    Obama cancels meeting with Philippine President, Obama cancels meeting with Philippine President, obama skips philippine president after abusing jibes, Dilma rousseff

    Obama skips Philippine President after abusing jibes 2016-09-06 10:30:57

    President Barack Obama has cancelled his first meeting with Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte, after Duterte described Obama in vulgar terms , on Tuesday. Duterte, a plain-spoken populist known for his colorful remarks and his campaign against illegal drugs in which...

    Keywords: Obama cancels meeting with Philippine President, Rodrigo Duterte abused Obama, Rodrigo Duterte abused Obama, Obama cancels meeting with Philippine President

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    Rio Paralympic, Rio Paralympic, rio paralympics opening ceremony new president attended the ceremony, Dilma rousseff

    Rio Paralympics opening ceremony, new President attended the ceremony 2016-09-08 12:50:04

    Brazilians jeered their new President Michel Temer on Wednesday as he attended an Independence Day rally in Brasilia and the opening ceremony of the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro. The events were the first official gatherings that Temer had attended...

    Keywords: Temer attended Rio Paralympic opening ceremony, Temer attended Rio Paralympic opening ceremony, Temer attended Rio Paralympic opening ceremony, Rio Paralympic

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