Search Results On depreciation (Page 1 of 2)

depreciation (Page 1 of 2)

  • United Nations World Tourism Organization, Madrid-based United Nations body, world tourism numbers up 4 in first half of 2019 un, Depreciation

    World Tourism Numbers up 4% in First Half of 2019: UN 2019-09-10 12:10:57

    In the first half of 2019, international tourist arrivals rose by 4.0 percent, but uncertainty over Brexit and trade tensions could hinder growth, the United Nations World Tourism Organization said Monday. Between January and June, worldwide destinations received 671 million...

    Keywords: United Nations World Tourism Organization, united nations, Madrid-based United Nations body, United Nations World Tourism Organization

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    electronic goods, rate hike, electronic items to get dearer, Depreciation

    Electronic items to get dearer 2013-08-27 04:52:45

    Planning to get yourself alatest smartphone or upgrade your LCD to a plasma screen television? If so, then this might not be the  right time to invest. Ask why? Well, with the prices of mobile phones, TVs, laptops and printers...

    Keywords: rate hike, rate hike, rate hike, Electronic items to get dearer

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    residential units, residential units, weak rupee draws nris to indian realty, Depreciation

    Weak rupee draws NRIs to Indian realty 2013-09-30 07:07:16

    Rupee depreciation may be bad news for the Indian economy, but not so for the non-resident Indians (NRIs) scouting for  property back home. Cashing in on the opportunity to buy residential units cheaper by up to 20%, NRIs are queueing...

    Keywords: Weak rupee draws NRIs to Indian realty., weakening rupee, cheaper homes, NRIs

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    deposits, Reserve Bank of India, nri deposits jump 48 in first four months of financial year, Depreciation

    NRI Deposits Jump 48% In First Four Months Of Financial Year 2015-09-21 08:07:54

    Global Indians, attracted by the depreciation of rupee against the dollar and greater domestic interest rates, deposited increased amounts in India. Non-resident Indians (NRI) deposits jumped 48% in the first four months of the financial year. The Reserve Bank of...

    Keywords: NRIs, Reserve Bank of India, NRIs, NRIs

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    Weak rupee draws NRIs to Indian realty., cheaper homes, weak rupee draws nris to indian realty, Depreciation

    Weak rupee draws NRIs to Indian realty 2014-02-14 07:31:55

    Rupee depreciation may be bad news for the Indian economy, but not so for the non-resident Indians (NRIs) scouting for  property back home. Cashing in on the opportunity to buy residential units cheaper by up to 20%, NRIs are queueing...

    Keywords: residential units, residential units, cheaper homes, NRIs

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    rupee, Rupee fall: NRIs take loans to remit money, rupee fall nris take loans to remit money, Depreciation

    Rupee fall: NRIs take loans to remit money 2013-09-30 07:43:27

    Non-resident Indians (NRIs) are taking loans to remit more money to India to benefit from the rupee depreciation. Some are even borrowing money from informal sources and sending their savings deposits to India.The frenzy is fuelled further by banks, especially...

    Keywords: rupee fall, rupee, rupee fall., remittances

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