Search Results On breakfast recipe (Page 1 of 2)

breakfast recipe (Page 1 of 2)

  • herbs, breakfast, simple breakfast recipe with eggs and herbs, Breakfast recipe

    Simple breakfast recipe with eggs and herbs 2015-07-13 06:44:08

    Your first meal of the day should be easy to prepare yet nutritious. Skipping breakfast can make you to overeat later in the day. Consider this simple breakfast recipe with eggs before rushing to your work in the morning. Time...

    Keywords: breakfast recipe with eggs, breakfast, herbs, breakfast

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    simple and easy recipe., Vegetable Sandwich Recipe, vegetable sandwich recipe, Breakfast recipe

    Vegetable Sandwich Recipe 2016-06-01 10:59:31

    Did not have the mood to spend much time in the kitchen!! so just prepare this simple veggie sandwich. Sandwiches are very popular as they are very convenient to pack for school lunch or office or picnics etc. There are...

    Keywords: speedy breakfast recipe, simple and easy recipe., Vegetable Sandwich Recipe, Vegetable Sandwich Recipe

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    simple breakfast recipe, simple breakfast recipe, great way to break your fast, Breakfast recipe

    Great Way To Break Your Fast 2015-07-30 10:54:42

    Have a great start to your morning with a health and simple breakfast. As the name suggests, breaking your fast with healthy and nutritious food is quiet essential to have a great day and good health for longer period of...

    Keywords: breakfast with oats, simple breakfast recipe, oats, breakfast with oats

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    Spinach Tomato Omelette recipe, Spinach Tomato Omelette, healthy spinach tomato omelette, Breakfast recipe

    Healthy Spinach Tomato Omelette! 2016-07-01 12:44:44

    Spinach Tomato Omelette is a very healthy, delicious and less time consuming breakfast recipe.  Spinach is a good source of iron, while egg consists as a rich source of protein. Ingredients: Tomatoes: 2 (sliced) Baby spinach leaves: 1/2 cup (chopped)...

    Keywords: Spinach Tomato Omelette, Spinach Tomato Omelette recipe, Spinach Tomato Omelette, Healthy Omelette recipe

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    Matar Poha, Matar Poha, green pea poha as favorite breakfast recipe, Breakfast recipe

    Green Pea Poha as favorite breakfast recipe 2016-04-30 10:47:42

    Iron-rich green Pea Poha is an all-time favorite breakfast that is special in Maharashtra. Poha can be had anytime as a snack on the move, or for a tea-time. Fibre-rich green peas poha is a healthier alternative. Vitamin C of...

    Keywords: Green Pea Poha, Green Pea Poha, Green Pea Poha, Matar Poha

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    Banana smoothie for Breakfast, Breakfast recipe, banana breakfast smoothie, Breakfast recipe

    Banana Breakfast Smoothie 2015-10-02 11:35:46

    This Banana Breakfast smoothie recipe is perfectly loaded with Proteins. Banana Breakfast smoothie serves as a perfect breakfast if you take it along with a handful of granola. To give your smoothie a creamy texture, by adding a table spoon...

    Keywords: Breakfast recipe, Banana smoothie for Breakfast, Banana smoothie for Breakfast, Breakfast recipe

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