Indian-origin awarded with UK’s top honour in Mathematics 2017-02-08 06:29:44
An Indian-origin has been elected ‘Fellows of the of Mathematics and its Applications in the United Kingdom on January 26th. The honour recognizes outstanding contribution to the advancement of mathematics. Bishnujee Singh is the CEO of Cayley Aerospace Inc, he...
Keywords: highest UK mathematics award given to Indian-origin, NRI news, Bishnujee awarded highest mathematics honour in UK, Bishnujee awarded highest mathematics honour in UK
Read MoreCEO Bishnujee Singh awarded of Chartered Management Institute, UK 2011-11-28 09:46:35
CEO Bishnujee Singh, Cayley Aerospce Inc has been conferred with Fellowship of the Chartered management Insitute on 24 Nov 2011. The professional managers UK & Globally and further recognizes this allocade is the ultimate benchmark for practicing. he Fellow Award...
Keywords: Charted management Institute, UK & Globally and further recognizes, UK & Globally and further recognizes, Charted management Institute
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