Search Results On antiviral drug (Page 1 of 2)

antiviral drug (Page 1 of 2)

  • symptoms, symptoms, researchers find three drug antiviral cocktail potent for covid 19 treatment, Antiviral drug

    Researchers find three-drug antiviral cocktail potent for Covid-19 treatment 2020-05-09 08:34:36

    With so many trials for drugs and vaccines for Covid-19 underway, Hong Kong researchers have found a breakthrough in their observations. According to the researchers, the patients suffering from milder symptoms after being infected with the Sars-CoV-2 tend to recover...

    Keywords: drugs, symptoms, research, research

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    Facemasks for Children age, Coronavirus in India, facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years, Antiviral drug

    Facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years 2021-06-10 05:54:39

    There are a lot of assumptions, predictions about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of the health experts advised that wearing facemasks is not recommended for children aged below five years of age. But some of them are using facemasks for...

    Keywords: Facemasks for Children new guidelines, Facemasks for Children new updates, Coronavirus in India, Coronavirus in India

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    coronavirus, coronavirus, how your body fights with coronavirus, Antiviral drug

    How your body fights with coronavirus 2020-10-08 11:01:23

    Your battle against the COVID-19 depends on the immunity response and in several cases the battle is much longer. The medical team working to cure Trump against the coronavirus has for the first time using the experimental medicines. Doctors will...

    Keywords: immune system, immune system, viral load, antiviral drug

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    South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Influenza Virus, South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Influenza Virus, south indian frog mucus kills flu virus, Antiviral drug

    South Indian Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus 2017-04-20 06:47:36

    Have you ever thought, that frog mucus can kill flu virus..? A research shows that a component of the skin mucus secreted by the South Indian frogs has the ability to kill H1 variety of influenza viruses, researchers from the...

    Keywords: South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Influenza Virus, Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus, South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Flu Virus, Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus

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    Antiviral Drugs, Antiviral Drugs, two apis for antiviral drugs found by csir iict, Antiviral drug

    Two APIs For Antiviral Drugs Found By CSIR-IICT 2020-05-21 07:54:52

    For two antiviral drugs, Umifenovir and Remdesivir, Active Pharma Ingredients found by the Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT).Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and a pharmaceutical firm received antiviral Favipiravir API for approval to conduct animal/ human trials before releasing...

    Keywords: Two API’s, Antiviral Drugs, Antiviral Drugs, CSIR-IICT

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    covid-19, covid-19, hepatitis drug for covid 19 treatment cadila seeks permission for clinical trials, Antiviral drug

    Hepatitis drug for Covid-19 treatment? Cadila seeks permission for clinical trials 2020-05-05 14:03:09

    With no possible vaccine in the hindsight at the moment for Covid-19, researchers and laboratories are gearing up to find a possible treatment option to lower the intensity and impacts of the virus.In such recent events, the Drug Controller General...

    Keywords: hepatitis, Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b, PegiHep, covid-19

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