(Image source from: Indiana Economic Digest)
An Indian-American entrepreneur and philanthropist, Gurinder Singh Khalsa, has been bestowed with the prestigious Rosa Park Trailblazer award for his campaign that forced authorities of the United States to change their policy towards headgear of the Sikh community.
Khalsa, 45, from Indianapolis, has presented the award for his continued demonstration of courage and compassion.
The organizers of the event said Khalsa in 2007 was refused access to board an airplane because of his turban.
Thereafter Khalsa mobilized more than 67,000 people across the nation for petitions and took the issue to all the way to the U.S. Congress, which forced Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) to change its headgear policy towards the Sikh community.
As a consequence, Sikhs can now wear their turban through airport security in the U.S.
"I was prevented from boarding the flight because I refused to remove my turban. I took this stand for all those who believe in religious liberty and freedom of faith," Khalsa, who also heads the Indiana-based Sikhs Political Affairs Committee, said.
Khalsa dedicated the award to the Sikh community.
"This award is not about me. Change does not exist without the support of a community. I dedicate this award to more than 67,000 individuals from all walks of life across America, and to one of the largest Sikh advocacy group, Sikh Coalition. Without their countless efforts change in the TSA Turban policy would not exist," he said.
The award ceremony was attended by top State officials and eminent community leaders.
"Sometimes those who bravely protest for civil rights are stereotyped as somehow threatening figures - perhaps simply because of the raw courage required to fight for justice. But in the personalities of both Gurinder and Rosa, we see the great power of quiet resolve," Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said.
"I know that Gurinder in his lifetime has experienced and witnessed certain perceptions and situations that have been unjust. But in his cheerful and dignified manner, he has stood for justice and free speech and freedom of religion and for so many truly American principles that make our nation great," he said.
Indiana State Assembly Speaker Brian C Bosma congratulated Khalsa on receiving the 2019 Rosa Parks Trailblazer award for his principled commitment to faith and his "pursuit of positive change" that embodies the American principles of free speech and religious freedom.
-Sowmya Sangam