Hillary Clinton calls Trump a 'loose cannon' in final pitch to votersTop Stories

November 08, 2016 12:15
Hillary Clinton calls Trump a 'loose cannon' in final pitch to voters

At her final pitch to voters at a massive rally in Philadelphia, the Democratic presidential candidate urged supporters to reject her "loose cannon" rival, Republican Donald Trump in the White House race.

Ms. Clinton said at the rally that, "There is a clear choice in this election, a choice between division or unity." "Between an economy that works for everyone or only those at the top, between strong, steady leadership or a loose cannon who could put everything at risk," she added.

"Make no mistake, our core values are being tested in this election," Clinton said, delivering her campaign pledge to be a president for all Americans.

"Tomorrow, we face the test of our time."

According to the opinion polls, Ms. Clinton has had a narrow but consistent lead, as she strives to become America's first woman president.  

Also Read: Trump gets down in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


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Hillary Clinton  loose cannon  Donald Trump