Are you getting tired easily these days? are you unable to concentrate on your work and retain the same energy and concentration levels till the work is completed? Then it is a time to change your life style and daily routine by following these tips;
If you don't drink water for some hours, your body is prone to de hydration and as a result, you will end up getting tired. At least every one and a half hour, drink 1 - 2 glasses of water to avoid this problem.
Your mobile can be your companion and the one without what you cannot imagine living. But this definitely causes unwanted tiredness in you. According to the recent researches, it is evident that at least more than 20 percent of population will wake up with a call/sms/alarm of their mobile. At this scenario, the mobiles are definitely beside them when they sleep. The radiation in the mobiles will cause a disturbance to the sleep Harmon and as a result due to lack of proper sleep, we easily get tired during the day.
So, it is better to stay away from your mobile while taking rest and you can use watches as your alarms, to stay active all the day, as you were before...