Aadhar Card that the government introduced with much excitement seemed turned unsuccessful only due to reckless attitude of the issuing authorities, who were not only delaying the issue of cards but are resorting to blunders. Recently an Aadhar Card was issued under the name of ‘kothimeera’( coriander leaves in English). This incident took place in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. The worst part of it is that photo was changed, name was changed and even wrong address was printed.
People who got to know this were reportedly complaining as to how could the officials print a card on coriander name. Irony is that the father’s name on the card was printed as palav and in address section it was printed gongura thota (Hibiscus cannabinus), mamidikaya ooru (mango village) and then finally Ananthapur district. The card number is—499118665246. The postman, who first saw this address, was astonished and then told it to the villagers who laughed out their lungs. Altough there was no mandal name mentioned on that, the card has come to hands of postman based on the pin code.
Even if someone played prank by applying with this name, how could officials overlook it and accept the card is a million dollar question. At least after this incident, the government should ask its employees to work honestly and those found not working properly should be dismissed immediately irrespective of person’s problems as country’s fate and future depends on the government employees.