Lancaster county was among the other 23 counties, in the list, which was released by Pennsylvania regulators permitting for medical marijuana dispensaries.
According to secretary Karen Murphy of Pennsylvania Department of Health. The decision to provide medical marijuana dispensaries was based upon the feedback, taken from more than 5,000 patients and dispensary applicants statewide. She also said it was an important milestone for the state’s medical marijuana program.
Law was signed in April, and is expected to go into effect from 2018.
Everything you want to know about medical marijuana
A total number of 27 dispensary will be permitted statewide and applications will be accepted from 20 February to 20 March.
Two dispensary will be allowed in Montgomery and Allegheny counties and three in Philadelphia county, and other counties listed will be allowed one.
The State will also offer 12 grower-processor permits, of which two will be in an eight county region including Lancaster.
M3C Agriculture is seeking a license, to process business in Leola and grow medical marijuana and already have begun discussion with municipal supervisors group.
The group consists of dentist, lawyer and scientist who were once Sunday school classmates in the Mennonite church.
The law sets for financial requirements for applicants are, dispensers require to prove they have at least $150,000 on deposit with a financial institution and potential growers require to prove that they have $2 million in capital.
The applications fees are $10,000 and $5,000 respectively, and are nonrefundable.
The selected applicants should operate under close supervision and must use and electronic inventory tracking system.