Worst In A Decade Flu, Spreads As An Epidemic In US And Kills 37 Children Already
January 31, 2018 04:54
(Image source from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
In a severe coast to coast epidemic situation, the entire US is crippled with Flu or Flu like symptoms. According to Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 6% of people coming to an ER had an influenza like illness. This is a high level of activity after the decade old pandemic spread by spine flu. This year’s Flu is almost like the deadly 2014-2015 season where around 56000 died, 700000 were hospitalized and around 34million Americans contracted the Flu.
“Flu is everywhere in the U.S. right now,” said Dr Dan Jernigan, director of the influenza division at the at the national Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . “The season started early and it is probably peaking right now. In general, we see things peaking right about now, but that means there is still a whole lot more flu to go," Jernigan said. "In addition, there are other strains of influenza still to show up that could be a major cause of disease."Stating that around 11-13 more weeks of Flu still remain.
This current strain of Flu is causing more infections of H3N2 which is an Influenza A virus which has caused rapid increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Most affected are children and people of 65 years.
There is a sudden increase in number of patients at doctor’s as reported by CDC. “What we can see is a very rapid increase in the numbers of people coming in to see their healthcare providers,” Jernigan said. And the rate of hospitalizations for confirmed cases of Flu has doubled. The Flu is on its severe side and the current Flue vaccine is just 30% effective against the prevailing virus strains.
"Flu is everywhere in the U.S. right now," said Dan Jernigan. "This is the first year we have had the entire continental U.S. be the same color on the graph, meaning there is widespread activity in all of the continental U.S. at this point."
Most Flu shots cover 4 viruses which include two of influenza A viruses H3N2 and H1N1, and two B viruses. So far B strains have not yet developed and it is still not too late to get vaccinated against the severe widespread of Flu. Several other countries are also reporting higher Flu cases.
By Minu Manisha