The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has announced, the elimination of vehicle registration stickers by the end of December.
This decision has been made in order to save over $3million in annual savings.Still motorist has to get their vehicles inspected by providing a valid registration card when asked by police.
The Elimination of vehicle registration stickers will be implemented, Under a law passed in 2013
Motorist who renew online, can take printouts of those registration cards from new year.
Motorists need not scrape off or cover up the old stickers that are already on their license plate.
Effective 12/31/16, PennDOT will no longer issue Vehicle Registration stickers.
Frequently asked questions
Why is PennDOT going to stop issuing registration stickers?
Elimination of registration stickers will save a lot of tax payers money. Act 89, which became law November 2013, provided for the elimination of vehicle registration stickers.
Do I still have to register my vehicle?
Yes, motorists are still required to have current vehicle registration, and have to present a vehicle registration card when asked by police.
How much money will be saved by not issuing the stickers?
Elimination of vehicle registration stickers can save up $3million.
Where does the cost savings from no longer issuing stickers go?
The motor license fund will be benefited, the motor license fund is used to invest the infrastructure by repairing and maintaining roadways.
Do I have to remove my sticker(s) on or after December 31, 2016?No, you do not have remove stickers.
How are police in other states going to know I have current registration if I don’t have a sticker or my sticker on my license plate is expired?
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has notified other jurisdictions of the elimination of registration stickers. law enforcement in the U.S and Canada has electronic access to The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation database, which would indicate the registration status of a vehicle.
Have other states eliminated registration stickers?
Yes, In 2004 New jersey eliminated registration stickers, In 2010 Connecticut and Canadian Providences of Quebec in 1992 and Manitoba in 2016.
When will the last registration sticker be issued?
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will continue issuing registration stickers until December 31, 2016.
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