Everything We Must Learn From Sita - A Pure, Beautiful And Divine Soul
May 08, 2020 04:34
(Image source from: haveultimatefun.blogspot.com)
Life Of Sita
(Image source from: wikipedia.org/wiki/Sita)
According to Hindu mythology, Sita was even known as Janaki. She was brought up by King Janaka and the world knows her as Lord Rama’s. This beautiful and pure soul had to see many difficulties in life. Yet, her inner-strength helped her survive problems.
Sita was not born naturally, she appeared from the ground when King Janak was ploughing his field. To marry her, Lord Rama had to pass a test of successfully bending Lord Shiva’s bow, he won her by winning the test.
She is an integral part of the Ramayana that was related to Ram’s life. She played the role of a good daughter and wife. She went into exile with her husband Ram for 14 years. While she was in the forest with her husband, one day she was kidnapped by Ravana.
Regardless of how much she had to suffer, she kept herself pure and never gave into Ravana’s lusty intentions. When she was imprisoned, all the time she could dwelled on Lord Ramas name.
Where did problems come to an end in Sita’s life?
The moment she returned to Ayodhya with Rama, her purity was questioned and she gave her test by walking on fire. Since women were easily judged, a man from the kingdom pointed out at her chastity for which she had to leave the kingdom and stay in the forest.
Although Rama had to stand up to what was right in the kingdom and let go of Sita, he ensured that she was taken care of by Maruti (Hanuman).
Later on, Ram and Sita’s sons Lava and Kusha were born. Once they grew up, they got to know that Lord Rama was their father and she called upon mother earth to take her back.
What was the fault of a pure a woman who sacrificed everything for her husband? Did she deserve to be ill-treated by people or get separated from her husband at a young age?
In Hindus, Sita is known as the incarnation of Lakshmi, the wife of Lord Vishnu. She was a respectful, devoted, self-sacrificing and a gem of a human being. Even today, in paintings or architecture, we get to see her watching Lord Rama with immense happiness.
She is known for her divinity and goodness.
Listed below are points we all can learn from Sita and be good like her!
Everything We Need To Learn From Sita
(Image source from: youtube.com)
No 1 - Her Never-Ending Zeal To Learn
When Sita was a child and asked to follow things, she wouldn’t be happy being a mere follower. For her, it was highly essential to be aware and get to know things.
So, her questions were mostly related to what, why and how in everything that was told to her.
We have to learn from her to question everything new that comes our way. Give it a thought, understand the logical perspective and aim at improving our knowledge.
No 2 - She Was Ready To Take Life The Way It Was
Every girl who is about to get married is keen on being happy and peaceful with her husband. Just like any other girl, Sita dreamt of the same. Unfortunately, life hit her hard and she chose to take life the way it came to her.
Given the fact that she was the Princess of a kingdom and was allowed to enjoy wealth. She chose a new path for her life and that was togetherness with her husband Lord Rama. She accepted what life gave to her and stood by him.
Here we even get to see that she loved her husband so much that never got carried away by material possessions. In the true sense, she sets the right example of taking life and living it the way it was given to her.
No 3 – She Stood Strong
During tough times, it is easy to slip away and give up on life. Sita was never like that, irrespective of being kidnapped, Ravana couldn’t do anything about her helpless situation because she was strong and had a belief that her husband Lord Rama would come and save her by all means.
Determination, belief and confidence helped her battle through this situation. Moreover, she wasn’t ill-treated, but Ravana imprisoned her and she always stood strong with faith in her heart.
No 4 – She Managed Being A Single Mother
Many women are single mothers today. Everyone have their personal reasons for being alone through this journey of parenting.
Either someone gets cheated or becomes a widow and it is her responsibility to take care of the whole family. In such a situation, women need to be strong and learn to be independent themselves.
Even Sita raised up Lava and Kusha all by herself. After she was asked to leave the kingdom because of the wrong accusations made on her, she found solace and a shelter in the Valmiki ashram and managed to live. She is regarded as one of the best single mothers in ancient times.
No 5 – She Stood Up For Her Respect
If you don’t stand up for yourself, who else will?
Every woman should learn to fight for her own respect no matter what. When in the history women could fight for their self-respect, why not today?
Sometimes you might not get involved in an intense battle. However, for your self-respect, you might have to give up on someone special. Having no second thoughts, you should always choose your self-respect over a person.
Wondering how did Sita have to give a test for her self-respect? First, she had to do an agni-pariksha to prove that she was pure. Even then the world pointed out at her and Lord Rama was helpless because of the people in his kingdom and finally even he couldn’t take her stand though he didn’t want to let her go.
After years, when she returned back to Ayodhya with her sons Lava and Kusha, she handed them over to their father and preferred going into mother earth instead of going back to Rama. Here made the choice of standing up for her self-respect.
When she could give up on the man she loved for her respect. Why can’t we step away from our fear and take a stand for ourselves?
Why Did Rama Not Take A Stand For Sita?
(Image source from: vicd108.files.wordpress.com)
It is important for us to know why Rama had to let Sita go since we have many questions on why was a woman not respected back then.
Do you believe that we are all born with a purpose?
Here’s the answer
Lord Rama was born with a purpose of teaching the world the importance of following dharma. Like how Lord Krishna was born to teach the world about love.
Rama’s dharma was that of being a king and he had to set the right example even if that meant giving up on his family. Everyone had to be treated equally whether that was his family member or a member of the kingdom. His life was filled with struggles but he proved to be a great leader.
There are different perspectives to what happened between Rama and Sita. Ultimately, they depict sacrifice in love. In the end even Sita teaches us to stand up for your own self-respect.
The two of them had a purpose to teach all of us a moral. But the question is, are we following what’s being taught to us? Are we learning what we are supposed to?
By Neha Makhija