Relationships are very simple but people make it complicated. Problems and misunderstandings are very common in relationship. All we have to do is to trust each other. And trust is something that if you lose it once it can take a lifetime to regain it. So if your partner trusts you, nurture it with love. Don’t let it go from the relationship.
Follow few simple principles in relationship and make the bond the strongest one.
Don’t lie to your partner. If you have something that you cant say that moment, Don’t lie, Keep it for the proper moment to come.
Always be understanding. Have faith on each other. Don’t charge each other always in silly issues. Try to understand what your partner is trying to say.
Don’t argue after you have done a mistake. Try to make your partner understand how and why you have done this in a tender voice.
Never doubt each other without knowing the truth. Don’t give your ears to any outsider. Clarify your doubts directly from your partner.
Ask yourself many times before losing your trust. There are many situations when we cannot tell the truth for the sake of some good. Don’t treat them as lies. Not saying a truth and lying something are absolutely different.
By Prakriti Neogi