Experts explained while they emphasized on the fact that hot and crispy fried snacks, sweets, carbohydrates-rich food as well as others similar should be avoided if we want to keep a check on our weight, yet do provide calories to our body. Even though most of us neglect having food items containing lots of calories, our body requires some amount of calories.
Annapurna Agrawal, nutritionist at Snap Fitness India explained that each and every individual has his own calorie requirement which would be on the basis of basal metabolic rate. If a person consumes excess calories than what he needs, he will undoubtedly gain weight at the he eating lesser calories will ensure loosing weight. She added explaining that our body requires 2,000 calories and if we eat 2,500 calories, the extra 500 will be converted into fat. If we are equipping to adopt healthy eating habits, then avoid junk food as it lacks essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals as well proteins and is high in fat and calories.
Manik Pande along with Meghana Surve, nutritionists at Talwalkars National Nutrition Centre, explained that we need to avoid all our favourite fried snacks and those curries that have a lot of fat and are cooked in a fair amount of oil which even warn against intake of carbohydrates. The nutritionists also explained that Carbohydrates actually convert into fats after they are consumed. The body stores this fat and this adds to our body weight. Grains and sugar, which are common feature of our diet, contain large amount of carbohydrates so you need to be careful as far as consumption is concerned. Hot summer season lets us enjoy sip of chilled sodas or even juices that instantly immediately us, on the contrary Pande along with Surve say it is better to stick to something healthier like water, lime juice and fresh fruit juices.
On the other hand, Agrawal said that the medicines usually help to eliminate diseases, on the contrary can also make us exceedingly heavier while she also mentioned that Anti-depressant medicines, birth control pills, allergy medications, as well as blood pressure medications may effect weight gain.
Image Source: Calories
(AW:Samrat Biswas)