Meet the world's tallest model and fitness trainer 'Amazon Eve'In the News

March 14, 2012 18:59
Meet the world's tallest model and fitness trainer 'Amazon Eve'

A giant woman from California named as Amazon Eve who is 31-year-old with a whooping height of 6 feet 8 inches in her bare feet, as she is all together the world's tallest model and fitness trainer where she entirely makes all other models as dwarfs and more over she is towering more than NBA stars Jeremy Lin and Michael Jordan.

As Eve is from Turlock, California, is now a full-time model and actress but she also wrestles with men for $400 an hour.

Amazon Eve is living the high life - travelling the globe showing off her giant frame. 

She credits her height to genes - saying her German and Dutch heritage is the reason why she is so tall.

She said: 'All the women in my family are tall.

What's more, Eve wears a ladies size 14 shoe which makes shopping for footwear more than a little difficult.

"Eve is different however -- she's gorgeous and beautifully proportioned.

"Certainly the world is more colourful and only place because of her."

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